Welcome to the ASEAN Rhinologic Society​​
President's Message
To my fellow ASEAN Rhinologists, ENT Specialists & Residents-in-Training,
It is with great privilege and honour that we are able to announce that our society - the ASEAN Rhinologic Society - has been approved by the Registrar of Societies Singapore this month. This has been the culmination of work in progress over the past few years, and none of this would have been possible without the open-mindedness, community spirit and bold vision of our esteemed Rhinology colleagues across the region. In addition, I would like to thank our sponsors who have steadfastly supported us through their generous educational grants. With the formation of the ASEAN Rhinologic society, we will be able to synergise the abundant talent and expertise amongst us, to achieve far greater things as a regional entity, than we ever could on an individual level.
The following will be our guiding beacons for the future of our society:
Our vision - to be the definitive authority and primary resource for Rhinologic study and practice in the region. Our mission - to collectively achieve excellence for Rhinologic practice in the region through collaborations in education, research, and professional networking. Our values - Unity in Diversity, Mutual Respect & Pursuit of Excellence.
ASEAN, which turns 55 years old this year is a region encompassing 10 countries whose people have deep intertwining roots that are inextricably interconnected. As clinicians and researchers within this region, all of us are involved in bringing the best Rhinology and ENT care to our combined population base - which is currently just short of 700 million people, or close to 10% of the world’s population. While there may be challenges ahead, I have no shadow of a doubt that with our combined effort, we will grow to become a respected regional society. We will collectively provide better care for our patients, through various collaborative research efforts, as well as through other professional networking efforts. To quote Theodore Roosevelt, “Nothing worth having comes easy”.
In the months following the incorporation of the society, we will be sorting through various administrative matters, including establishing the membership database and setting up the ASEAN Rhinologic Society website, which will go live shortly after the virtual launch of the society. As we navigate through the tail end of the Covid pandemic, we will leverage on virtual platforms to bring you educational webinars that are of relevance to us, with content of the highest standard on various rhinologic topics, that will be of particular interest to residents and specialists alike within the region. There are some other exciting developments in the pipeline, which we will announce in due course.
On behalf of the ASEAN Rhinologic Society Executive Committee, I welcome you on board to join us as members, to support our activities, and to benefit from this regional network that is here to facilitate your personal and professional growth for years to come.
Welcome everyone, and onwards together!
Dr Soma Subramaniam
ASEAN Rhinologic Society

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