We invite you to join us as a member. There are three types of membership categories:
1. Ordinary members shall be Otolaryngology Specialists and equivalent or above, whose clinical or research practice involves Rhinology. They shall have the right to vote and hold office in the Society
2. Associate membership is open to trainees or healthcare workers, with a component involving the field of Rhinology. They do not have the right to vote and hold office in the Society
3. Honorary members are distinguished persons who have rendered notable service to the Society or to the advancement of Rhinology, may on the recommendation of the President and upon the approval of the Executive Committee be elected Honorary Members. They shall enjoy all privileges of Ordinary Members, except the right to vote and hold office in the Society.
Benefits of membership
The benefits of being a member of the ASRS are:
Opportunity to attend the Regional Scientific Meeting & Annual General Meetings of the ASEAN Rhinologic Society at a discounted rate
Access to Members section of the Society website and newsletter
Complimentary subscription for International Forum on Allergy & Rhinology (IFAR)
Mentorship or further training within the region
Only Ordinary members are eligible to vote or hold office
Ordinary Membership : (Annual : S$100 per annum)
Ordinary (Lifetime : S$500 one-time payment annum)
Associate Membership : (Annual : S$50 per annum)
Membership is valid from January to December. If you join mid-year, the full annual fee will still apply as we do not offer prorated rates.
For members with a lapsed membership, please note that payment for the lapsed period is needed to maintain continuity. Otherwise, the membership will be processed as a new application.